Doorperson or Luggage Porter – ANZSCO 431912

All Occupations


Assists guests in an accommodation establishment or passengers in a transport terminal by attending to and carrying luggage, welcoming and escorting guests, and attending to their general needs on arrival and departure.

Skill Level


Alternative Titles




Skills Assessment Authority


No caveats apply to this occupation.

Group: 4319 Other Hospitality Workers


provide services to patrons of hotels, bars, cafes, restaurants, casinos and similar establishments. This unit group covers Hospitality Workers not elsewhere classified. It includes Bar Usefuls or Bussers, and Doorpersons or Luggage Porters.


Bar Useful or Busser – Cleans and maintains public areas in a bar, club or dining establishment by collecting and returning dishes, cutlery and glasses to the kitchen or bar, wiping tables, bars and spillages, and emptying bins and ashtrays.

Doorperson or Luggage Porter – Assists guests in an accommodation establishment or passengers in a transport terminal by attending to and carrying luggage, welcoming and escorting guests, and attending to their general needs on arrival and departure.

Skill Level

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with an AQF Certificate I, or compulsory secondary education (ANZSCO Skill Level 5)

Occupations in this Group