Assists health and community groups to improve the health of individuals and the community by raising awareness of healthy lifestyles, disease and disability, and other health-related issues.
Skill Level
Alternative Titles
- Community Health Worker
- Health Educator
- Asthma Educator
- Childbirth Educator
- Diabetes Educator
Skills Assessment Authority
No caveats apply to this occupation.
Group: 2519 Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals
onduct diagnostic tests and operate equipment to assess illnesses, incapacities and disabilities, provide health advice and develop programs and policies which promote good health, safe and healthy working environments, and administer pharmaceuticals. This unit group covers Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals not elsewhere classified.
There are no specific tasks for Unit Group 2519, however, Minor Group 251 includes:
- developing, implementing, reviewing, examining, testing and raising awareness of diets, menus and nutrition intervention programs, the nature and extent of vision problems, and patients’ medicine therapy
- planning, implementing and reviewing strategies and procedures for safe, economic and suitable disposal of various wastes, and for safe work practices
- conducting research and assessing data relating to health and nutrition status of individuals, groups and communities, and to develop and improve pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and related chemical products
- producing images to assist Medical Practitioners diagnose patients’ illnesses and diseases, and administering radiation treatment
- consulting with other Health Professionals, Chemists, Engineering Professionals and other professionals
Skill Level
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification.
In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).