Serves food and beverages in a hotel, restaurant, club or dining establishment.
Skill Level
Alternative Titles
- Food and Beverage Attendant
- Drink Waiter
- Formal Service Waiter
- Silver Service Waiter
- Sommelier
- Wine Steward
Skills Assessment Authority
No caveats apply to this occupation.
Group: 4315 Waiters
serve food and beverages in hotels, restaurants, clubs and dining establishments.
- setting and arranging tables
- greeting customers and presenting them with menus and beverage lists
- taking orders and relaying them to kitchen and bar staff
- serving food and beverages
- opening bottles and pouring beverages
- clearing tables and returning dishes and cutlery to kitchen
- removing empty bottles and used glasses from tables, and refilling and replacing glasses
- collecting payments for sales and operating point of sales machines and cash registers
- may recommend wines to complement food
Skill Level
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with an AQF Certificate II or III, or at least one year of relevant experience (ANZSCO Skill Level 4).