Monitors the allocation and use of water from water resources such as streams, rivers and underground sources.
Skill Level
Alternative Titles
- Boring Inspector
- Stream Control Officer
Skills Assessment Authority
Group: 5995 Inspectors and Regulatory Officers
administer and enforce government and corporate regulations and standards.
- searching aircraft, vehicles, premises and people, and checking documents and goods to detect illegal activities such as undocumented cargo, prohibited goods and illegal aliens
- examining and assessing visas and residency applications
- testing applicants’ ability to operate a motor vehicle, assessing applicants’ suitability to hold learner’s permits and probationary licences, and issuing learner’s permits and probationary licences
- identifying pest and weed problems and determining treatments and management
- assessing claims for government benefits
- carrying out random checks of taxation documents to detect non-compliance with taxation legislation
- conducting visual checks of the mechanical, structural, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems of railway wagons, carriages and locomotives for condition and correct classification
- ensuring that train, tram and bus services are provided according to schedule, monitoring the cleanliness, presentation and condition of vehicles, and recommending improvements and changes to services
- receiving and assessing applications for licences to use water, investigating the ability of water resources to meet new requirements, and conducting site inspections
Skill Level
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with an AQF Certificate II or III (ANZSCO Skill Level 4).
At least one year of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.
Occupations in this Group
- Customs Officer – ANZSCO 599511
- Immigration Officer – ANZSCO 599512
- Motor Vehicle Licence Examiner – ANZSCO 599513
- Noxious Weeds and Pest Inspector – ANZSCO 599514
- Social Security Assessor – ANZSCO 599515
- Taxation Inspector – ANZSCO 599516
- Train Examiner – ANZSCO 599517
- Transport Operations Inspector – ANZSCO 599518
- Water Inspector – ANZSCO 599521
- Inspectors and Regulatory Officers nec – ANZSCO 599599